Thu Apr 19 01:22:00 GMT 2001

I am compiling a c++ program project on sparc solaris 2.6 system, it includes several c++ programs and several .h programs. I have configured the libstdc++- on my system, but once I compiling and link the project, there are .o program be generated but it cann't generate the executable program, it comments that there is an undefined symbol '_eh_pc' in file /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.a(fstream.o).Originally, I want to configure the libstdc++ with another version,but the system denied to do so. So, I have to replace the /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.a with /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/2.95.2/libstdc++.a, then it can ran with some options, but when running with the other options it cann't give the result and give me a comment that 'core dump'.
Then I have two questions,the first is why there is an undefined symbol in file /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.a???????? The second is how can I configure another version libstdc++ on an system which already have a libstdc++ on it.
I need your help urgently, so I hope I am lucky enough to receive your help soon. Thank you very much.
xixi,yang in PRC


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