build problem (include problems)

Benjamin Kosnik
Wed Oct 11 14:37:00 GMT 2000

> ../../../../libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/new:34:19: cstddef: No such file or directory                                             

can you make sure that include/std has cstddef?


./         cerrno   csetjmp  ctime       ios       locale   sstream    valarray
../        cfloat   csignal  cwchar      iosfwd    map      stack      vector
CVS/       ciso646  cstdarg  cwctype     iostream  memory   stdexcept
algorithm  climits  cstddef  deque       istream   numeric  streambuf
bitset     clocale  cstdio   fstream     iterator  ostream  string
cassert    cmath    cstdlib  functional  limits    queue    strstream
cctype     complex  cstring  iomanip     list      set      utility

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