_Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction vs darwin

Andrew Haley aph@redhat.com
Sun Dec 20 17:47:00 GMT 2009

Jack Howarth wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 01:25:00PM +0000, Andrew Haley wrote:
>> This is all far too heavyweight; rather than simply solving the problem, it's
>> speculating about some other problems that may not exist.

>     One other comment. It seems equally heavy-handed to drag in significant
> sections of the code from unwind-dw2.c and its associated headers. Also the
> solution will never be generic since _Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction() is
> declared in unwind-compat.c, unwind-dw2.c and unwind-sjlj.c. I would have
> a lot more faith in following this approach if it were first demonstrated
> to be workable on linux.

Ahhh, I see the problem: _Unwind_Find_FDE isn't exported in libgcc's
headers, so even though it is exported we can't get at its data.  Ouch.

I'm looking at http://refspecs.freestandards.org/abi-eh-1.21.html, and it
doesn't define _Unwind_Find_FDE or give us any way to get the data we need.

OK, I'll go away and think some more.  I think your suggestion may, in fact,
be the best.  Sorry.


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