Running AWT/SWING apps on embedded system

Tom Tromey
Fri May 9 19:41:00 GMT 2008

>>>>> "Francesco" == ffileppo  <> writes:

Francesco> I would like to run some sample AWT/SWING java code
Francesco> compiled with gcj on my embedded box (an arm-based board
Francesco> with a LCD screen).

Francesco> I'm quite confused about what graphical libraries are
Francesco> needed to do that, something like directfb or qt embedded?

Francesco> Which is the best choice for an embedded box?

My recollection is that the best-supported AWT peers are based on
Gtk.  This may be too heavy for your use case, I'm not sure.

There are some other peer implementations in there, but I don't think
they are as complete.  I guess you'd have to experiment a bit, or
maybe ask on the Classpath list -- the folks working on the non-Gtk
back ends are more active over there.


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