.EXE on mingw32 -- huge size

Marco Trudel marco@mtsystems.ch
Thu Mar 20 13:10:00 GMT 2008

Hi Funchlady

funchlady wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried gcj to have executables. The good news is gcj works. The size of
> .EXE file is too huge. For example,
> class file of a program printing "Hello World" has 410 bytes, and the
> executable has 12.7MB.

That's not true. Although the class file might only have 410 bytes, you 
still need a runtime (JRE) of about 70mb to let it run. You can also 
dynamically link to libgcj (well, not on Windows), then your binaries 
will be only a couple of kb's.

> "strip" cannot reduce the size, either. Is there any way to reduce the .EXE
> size?

The things I know are:
- Pack the binary (e.g. UPX [1])
- Exclude parts of the class library (See JNC [2])


[1] http://upx.sourceforge.net/
[2] http://jnc.mtsystems.ch/

> Thank you.

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