Apps. using Sun Java in Ubuntu, howto use them with gij ?

Tom Tromey
Mon May 14 16:04:00 GMT 2007

>>>>> "Shirish" == shirish  <> writes:

Shirish> Tom thanx for clearing up stuff, now my question is which of
Shirish> these 11 alternatives can be satisfied with gij . If there is an easy
Shirish> howto for people who want to use gij how they should set up stuff
Shirish> would be a nice start. Please lemme know what I need to find out &
Shirish> post & would do the same. Cheers !

I don't have your original list around any more, but basically you
should either (1) look at the gcj manual and see what tools we ship,
or (2) look at the java-gcj-compat project, which provides a
"jdk-like" install tree suitable for use with alternatives.
java-gcj-compat is used by Fedora to satisfy most of these links...


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