RFC: micro-libgcj merge proposal

Per Bothner per@bothner.com
Fri Jan 13 21:05:00 GMT 2006

Tom Tromey wrote:
> Yes, I understand.  But in the scenario where we unilaterally add
> preprocessing, it is very likely that I am going to be doing this
> merging. 

I agree - I assume we get the pre-processing directives into the
master classpath source.  The whole point of preprocessing is to
have a single source base.

An alternative is a more intelligent pre-processor: I.e. "replace
method foo(String) in file java/lang/X.java with this".  Loosely
a more intelligent patch.  But that's harder to write.  It could
be integrated into the compiler (since the compiler understands
Java syntax), but it's still difficult.
	--Per Bothner
per@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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