Gtk peer access with CNI

Tom Tromey
Sat May 21 00:30:00 GMT 2005

>>>>> "Sandor" == Sandor Bodo-Merle <> writes:

Sandor> can someone point me how to access the GtkWidget of a peer
Sandor> component from a native method?  I figured it out how to do
Sandor> this via JNI but i cant see how to do it with CNI.  I
Sandor> appreciate any hints.

You could do it pretty much the same way, I think.  Just access the
private fields of the peers.  But, I would recommend against it.

This isn't supported, and will probably break.  For one thing we are
most likely going to BC-compile AWT, Swing, and the peers, and CNI and
BC don't really work that well together (yet).

There is also the 'libjawt' stuff; this is a portable way to access
the underlying rendering surface of the awt peers.


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