Building eclipse batch compiler using gcj

Tom Tromey
Tue Jun 21 18:17:00 GMT 2005

>>>>> "Olivier" == Olivier Thomann <> writes:

Olivier> I am trying for fun to build an executable of the Eclipse
Olivier> batch compiler using gcj 3.4.4.

You may want to try gcj 4.0, which was released a while back.

Olivier> Everything works fine till the linking of the executable. It
Olivier> seems that gcj doesn't like to new way to retrieve nls
Olivier> messages.

Olivier> D:\eclipse\workspaces\bingcj\tmp\org\eclipse\jdt\internal\compiler\ 
Olivier> undefined reference to 
Olivier> `org::eclipse::jdt::internal::compiler::util::Messages::class$'

I see this on the link line:


Perhaps this is a compiled resource file?  And due to
case-insensitivity on Windows it overwrote the object file
corresponding to the missing class?  That is my first guess anyway.
If it isn't that, we have some more debugging to do ...


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