multiple definition of __mingwthr_key_dtor

Danny Smith
Tue Feb 22 12:49:00 GMT 2005

Danny Smith wrote:
> Ranjit Mathew wrote:
>> Danny Smith wrote:
>>> This is not the best solution, but to get rid of the multiple definition
>>> errors when linking in C++ objects, link with -lgcj -lstdc++ (in that
>>> order). This will bring in the definitions of the
>>> symbols. The problem with this workaround is that it means your C++
>>> module(s) will leak memory if they create threads, since they will be
>>> using libgcj's bogus definition of __mingwthr_key_dtor.
>>> Really this should be reported as a bug if one for this problem doesn't
>>> already exist.
>> I hope you have seen:
>> and related messages.

Also, note that all this __mingw_thread_key_dtor business is only needed with
SJLJ exceptions.
It is only called when initializing  a function context key in unwind-sjlc.c
Maybe the best way to get rid of this whole problem would to use Dwarf2 unwind.

This would also faciltate use of jcr section to register java classes

I plan to submit an updated  patch for Dwarf2 unwind on mingw after GCC


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