GC Warning: Header allocation failed: Dropping block.

Bryce McKinlay mckinlay@redhat.com
Thu Feb 17 16:52:00 GMT 2005

Boehm, Hans wrote:

>It means that the garbage collector's attempt to obtain more memory
>from the OS (on Linux it uses sbrk() or mmap()) failed.
>By default the GC uses as much memory as it thinks it needs and the
>OS will give it.  Try running with the GC_PRINT_STATS environment
>variable defined, and see what that says.  Also keep something like
>"top" running to see whether you are really running out of
>memory/swap space.  (I'm assuming a Linux environment.)
>In general, for a large Java heap, you are better off running
>a recent gcj.  And ideally the collector should be built with
>-DLARGE_CONFIG, which I don't think it is by default.


Do you think we should make this the default? Do small apps take much of 
a hit from -DLARGE_CONFIG?


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