binary metadata

Tom Tromey
Thu Sep 30 17:41:00 GMT 2004

>>>>> "Bryce" == Bryce McKinlay <> writes:

Bryce> Yes, I think binary compatibility at the class/object level is very
Bryce> important for any modern OO language. The lack of this is a serious
Bryce> problem for C++, for example.

I completely agree with this.

>> Since D has all that Java stuff (Class metadata, garbage collection,
>> ...) it would be intersting to see where GCJ and D can meet. (perhaps
>> making D link against GCJ object files would be neat).

This sort of thing shouldn't be too hard, provided the D type system
is reasonably compatible with Java's, and provided the D runtime
structures are compatible (vtable and object layout, stuff like that).

If that can all be bridged, then there's just the question of exposing
java classes to the D compiler.  For this I would suggest adding a
class reader to the compiler.  (CNI takes another approach, generating
C++ header files from java class files.  For C++ this makes sense,
since defining how java class files would interact with cpp seems
yucky.  But my recollection is that D has a more real module

If you end up working in this area, let us know how it goes.  Feel
free to ask questions here, IMO this sort of interoperability is


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