Quoting In Error/Warning Messages for Java

Ranjit Mathew rmathew@gmail.com
Sat Sep 18 11:07:00 GMT 2004


  I was trying to convert the Java front end errors and warnings
to use the new %<, %> and %q style format specifiers.

I found that most of the errors were being issued via
parse_error_context( ) which (like parse_warning_context) uses
issue_warning_error_from_context( ) (all defined in parse.y)
which directly uses vsprintf() to create the message.

It does not seem straightforward to make it use the normal
GCC diagnostics machinery.

The few remaining errors and warnings seem to be using error( )
and warning( ), so they can be shifted to the new format specifiers.

For the rest, shall I just use 'foo' style quoting instead of


Ranjit Mathew          Email: rmathew AT gmail DOT com

Bangalore, INDIA.      Web: http://ranjitmathew.tripod.com/

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