Question about compiling .jar files?

Dan Bolser
Sat Nov 27 02:04:00 GMT 2004

Hi I am new to gcc / gcj.

I am trying to compile jung-1.5.jar, which requires I
(think) I can compile without a problem, but I can't seem
to satisfy jung-1.5.jar to the existence of 

I am not sure what I should / should not be doing.

I get messages like this...

edu/uci/ics/jung/algorithms/ In class
edu/uci/ics/jung/algorithms/ In method
edu/uci/ics/jung/algorithms/ error: cannot
find file for class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D
edu/uci/ics/jung/algorithms/ error: cannot
find file for class cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D

when I try 

gcj -c jung-1.5.jar -o jung-1.5.o

I am trying things like... 

gcj -c jung-1.5.jar -o jung-1.5.o

But to no avail.

I notice ant-1.5.2.jar under /usr/share/java/ on my fedora2 linux distro.

Is there a way I can compile colt into .class files using the build.xml
when I unzip the colt archive?

I think jung needs colt .class files, but I see...

gcj -C
gcj: warning: already-compiled .class files ignored with -C
gcj: no input files

I repeat that I am very inexperienced.

Any help aimed at a beginner would be appreciated.

All the best,

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