GCJ's URLClassloader and 'core' protocol

Tom Tromey tromey@redhat.com
Tue Jun 29 01:06:00 GMT 2004

>>>>> "Sal" == Sal  <gcj@svf.dreamhost.com> writes:

Sal> I haven't seen/understood much of the GCJ internals yet, but if GCJ
Sal> could just 'tag' certain classes as being loaded by a classloader
Sal> other than the system classloader, it would fix my problem.

The problems arise with the C linkage model.  You can't link in
multiple independent copies of a given symbol.

Sal> In other words a statically linked class would be internally
Sal> loaded/referenced the same way that it is now... but just made to
Sal> reference an arbitrary classloader.  Would I be wrong in guessing that
Sal> its just a pointer that needs to be set to point to a different object?

Yes, with the current ABI things like static field references are done
symbolically and fixed up by the linker (ld or ld.so).  This is not a
tweakable process, in the sense that we can't insert the class loader
in the middle of it to have it point different classes at different


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