Sun's java vs. gij : Own classloader and static attributes

Bryce McKinlay
Tue Jun 22 16:17:00 GMT 2004

Stefan Prelle wrote:

>---Using Sun's java----------------------
>Value is 5
>In Loaded: Value is 0
>---Using GNU gij--------------------------
>Value is 5
>In Loaded: Value is 5
>I figured that I still don't use my ClassLoader subclass the correct
>way, since it should only load that classes that haven't been loaded so
>far and I think I better overwrite the findClass-Method. 
>But anyway: Is the different behaviour of gij considered a bug or

It looks like a bug to me. The Sun implementation appears to be defining 
a new instance of MyStatic.class in a different classloader context, 
while the libgcj implementation is not. It would be good to add this 
testcase to mauve.



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