New Miscompilation Into Bytecode Error

Thu Jul 1 11:18:00 GMT 2004

Ranjit Mathew wrote:
> in contrast to the following code produced by GCJ:
> ---------------------------- 8< ----------------------------
> Hello$1$Local(Hello,int,int);
>   Code:
>    0:   aload_0
>    1:   aload_1
>    2:   putfield        #14; //Field this$0:LHello;

The initializer must be called first (I think).

>    5:   aload_0
This is "this".

>    6:   aload_1
This is the Hello instance.

Now where is the integer value for the following call? That is what the 
verifier complains about.

>    7:   invokespecial   #29; //Method "<init>":(LHello;I)V
>    10:  return
> ---------------------------- 8< ----------------------------


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