gcj troubles

Ray Auge rayauge@doublebite.com
Sat Apr 24 04:24:00 GMT 2004

Hello All,

Been having trouble compiling my app with gcj (gcj3.4.0, using xerces,
xalan binaries from Fedora). Anyway, the make basically performs this

PS: I'm using Java-Gnome (latest CVS). Also, this app works fine when run 
under Blackdown1.3.1 ('cept for many know bugs which are all my fault).

for ALL the java files:
/usr/bin/gcj34 -fPIC -fjni -Wall -g -O
/usr/share/java/xalan.jar:/usr/share/java/gnu.regexp.jar:. -o build/last/util/ParseThread.o -c \

then for the final link:
/usr/bin/gcj34 -fPIC -fjni -Wall -L/opt/gnome2/lib -lgtkjar2.4
-lgnomejar2.6 -lgladejar2.6 -L/usr/lib -l-gnu.regexp-1.1.4
-l-javax-xml-parsers-2.2.1 -l-org-apache-xerces-2.2.1
-l-org-w3c-dom-2.2.1 -l-org-xml-sax-2.2.1 -l-javax-xml-transform-2.4.1
...<all the "o"s>
--main=last.gui.GUI -o build/lastgui

I get this error when trying to run the executable:
[com_@localhost build]$ ./lastgui -c mapConfig.xml
could not create widget: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Trace/breakpoint trap

But this works:
[com_@localhost build]$ ./lastgui
Last, 0.1.0
Contact: Ray Auge <rayauge@doublebite.com>
Usage:  java last.gui.GUI [-h|-c <[/path/]configfile>]

        -c      alternate config file, defaults
                to DOCUMENT_ROOT/mapConfig.xml
        -v      print version
	-h     print this message

Any help is appreciated.

Ray Auge <rayauge@doublebite.com>

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