State of AWT-peers of MinGW/GCJ?

Mohan Embar
Tue Apr 13 06:52:00 GMT 2004

Hi Clemens,

>I need to create a stand-alone executable of an application that is
>based uppon a light weight awt-based library. The library (lwvcl) itself
is heavily dependent on advanced drawing features such as double-buffering
(creating backbuffer images) and so on, but does not use native widgets at all.

>Are the MinGW-peers compareable complete to the GCJ/GTK peers? Does GCJ/MinGW
>use its own awt-peers or are also tne gtk-peers used?

My latest gcj build uses SwingWT as the AWT and Swing implementation, but
my build shouldn't be construed as the official MinGW build. See this
page for more details:

SwingWT 0.81 ( came out a couple of weeks ago and I still
need to update my MinGW build to reflect this.

The official MinGW gcj build on Sourceforge doesn't have AWT enabled at all.
There are currently no Win32 AWT peers. I started work on these, but have
hardly done anything and I don't see myself being able to complete them
anytime soon :(

Someone feel free to take these sources and run with them....

(In the above sources, I temporarily changed the "java" in java., javax., and to  "lala" so I was able to pull everything into Eclipse and debug from
there - sweet!)

-- Mohan

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