Inexplicable Parameter-Passing Phenomena w/MinGW GCJ

Mohan Embar
Wed Sep 10 07:06:00 GMT 2003

Hi People,

I'm slowly losing my mind, so I'm going to babble
incoherently before going to bed.

I am further testing Michael's networking patch
which no one has approved yet and which seems okay
to me:

Through some strange phenomenon which appears to
have nothing to do with the patch,
has this call in setSoTimeout():

  public synchronized void setSoTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException
    if (timeout < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid timeout: " + timeout);

    impl.setOption(SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT, new Integer(timeout));

...where impl.setOption is a CNI-native method in
which I've enhanced with MessageBox statements which should serve as breadcrumbs
which follow my downward spiral towards insanity:

gnu::java::net::PlainDatagramSocketImpl::setOption (jint optID,
					       ::java::lang::Object *value)
  int val = 0;
  socklen_t val_len = sizeof (val);
  MessageBox(NULL, "setOption", "We are here.", MB_OK);

  if (fnum < 0)
    throw new ::java::net::SocketException (JvNewStringUTF ("Socket closed"));

  if (_Jv_IsInstanceOf (value, &::java::lang::Boolean::class$))
  MessageBox(NULL, "setOption", "1111", MB_OK);
      ::java::lang::Boolean *boolobj = 
        static_cast< ::java::lang::Boolean *> (value);
      val = boolobj->booleanValue() ? 1 : 0;
  else if (_Jv_IsInstanceOf (value, &::java::lang::Integer::class$))
  MessageBox(NULL, "setOption", "2222", MB_OK);
      ::java::lang::Integer *intobj = 
        static_cast< ::java::lang::Integer *> (value);          
      val = (int) intobj->intValue();
  MessageBox(NULL, "setOption", "3333", MB_OK);
  // Else assume value to be an InetAddress for use with IP_MULTICAST_IF.
  MessageBox(NULL, "setOption", "4444", MB_OK);

Here is the call in my test program which calls DatagramSocket.setOption():

            if (m_nTimeoutMSecs > 0)
               System.out.println("Setting timeout to "+m_nTimeoutMSecs);
             System.out.println("Timeout: "+skt.getSoTimeout());

When the above skt.getSoTimeout() call is uncommented, the MessageBoxes appear,
but I get a "3333", which means that new Integer(timeout) in DatagramSocket
was not identified as either a java.lang.Boolean or a java.lang.Integer
in (At one point in time,
I printed value->getClass()->getName() and I got "java.lang.Class".)

When the above skt.getTimeout() call (which happens AFTER the skt.setSoTimeout()
call and should therefore have no effect on it) is commented out, no
message boxes appear.

I know I need to troubleshoot this and document this much further, but what
I'm looking for is any sort of "aha" here. Keep in mind that this is a
statically linked libgcj.

-- Mohan

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