add iRATE to done with gcj

Tue Oct 7 07:30:00 GMT 2003

Mohan Embar wrote:

>Hi Taras,
>By the way, congratulations on iRATE and its large user base.
It's the gcj team that made it possible on a jdk-less system.

>Can you elaborate on this? The current MinGW Thread.interrupt() doesn't
>interruped blocking I/O; neither does Sun's JVM.
Sun's doesn't?
Strange. I was sure that it worked for me. Perhaps we are talking about 
a different things. As I recall I started a thread that did a a socket) and either interrupted the reading 
thread or the thread that lauched the reading thread. Seemed to work.

Most of the java http libs seem to do the same for downloads.
However this code never got wider testing so I could've been dreaming 
and seeing the behavior I wanted to see.
If you are curious, you could check commits on for exactly what I was doing.

>>If you are interested, there is another strange bug in gcj that's making 
>>irate impossible for some people. System.getProperty("user.home") 
>>returns c:\username at least on some win2k computers instead of the 
>>C:\documents and settings\whatever\windows\likes.
>Is this in bugzilla? (Can't remember - though know I've heard this before.)
I certainly didn't file it.
I'm a bad bug reporter.

>>Could you also put up those magnificent crosscompiler build scripts on 
>>your website? When I have some time, I'd like to rebuild gcj with the 
>>latest cvs.
>Good luck. I'd like to do this too. (I've been getting bootstrapping errors
>on jv-convert for several days now where cc1 segfaults.) I'm still trying to
>put out a "stable" MinGW 3.4 build. :(
That sucks. Best of luck with getting it to work.  We'll happily reuse 
your hardwork with iRATE :)


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