Is there a compilable SOAP implementation?

Rutger Ovidius
Fri Oct 3 03:18:00 GMT 2003


I am looking for a complete SOAP implementation that has successfully compiled 
with gcj.  I have been trying to get Apache Axis to compile:

If I try to compile log4j-1.2.8.jar:

org/apache/log4j/ In class 
org/apache/log4j/ In method 
org/apache/log4j/ error: class 
'org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton' has no method named 'close'
 matching signature '()V'
org/apache/log4j/ confused by earlier errors, 
bailing out

I will also encounter a ton of "cannot find file for class ..." when trying to 
compile axis.jar and the rest.  Axis seems to reference a huge number of 
external libraries. (IBM's crypto from its own Java, activation, mailapi, 
servlet, jimi, jsse, jms, httpunit, and a plethora of others I have yet to 
locate).  Since I can use the axis package by itself without all these other 
libraries, must I truely collect them all and place them in the classpath 
before this will compile, or can I just get and compile the axis package by 
itself somehow? (axis.jar/log4j/saaj/wsdl4j/commons-loggin/commons-discovery) 

Has anyone been successful with this?


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