Using gcj

Samuel Michael Fredland
Tue Nov 25 15:09:00 GMT 2003


Thanks for the info. I'm still confused on a couple of things.

>Your command tells gcj where to find xerces for the purpose of
>resolving class/method/field declarations, but does not actually link the
>xerces classes.  Because you have other classes depending on these, you
>get errors at link time.

So for resolving declarations I use the -I flag.

>Along with this you need a corresponding -l flag to link the compiled

And to find natively compiled libraries I use the -l flag.

>You could compile xerces etc. yourself, but to save some effort I suggest
>the RHUG project that includes gcj-buildable sources for many jakarta and
>other open source Java packages:

This site seems to just point to other sites which don't appear to 
mention anything about gcj (I haven't looked at all of them).

Is just having the jars for log4j, xerces, etc. good enough? Can't gcj 
compile bytecodes into native code? Is it more efficient to have native 
libraries that were written from scratch in C++ or something? Is this 
what I am supposed to be downloading from rhug and the sites it points 
to? If there's some Java application that hasn't been "ported" to gcj, 
say dotnet4j, can I still use it with gcj by having gcj compile its 
bytecodes? How do I tell gcj to do this for a particular package?


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