Minor update on gctest struggles

Ranjit Mathew rmathew4lists@hotmail.com
Wed Mar 5 15:14:00 GMT 2003


    A quick update on the GC test program (gctest) problems before
I leave for the day: in short, it seems to work as far as the
gctest program can tell me for *single-threaded tests* only. :-(

The access violation errors that I always seem to be getting was
due to the fact that the GC_allocate_ml Win32 critical-section was
not being initialised in the *second* main of "tests/test.c". A
simple call to GC_init( ) fixed this. (The first main was not
being selected for MinGW explicitly with a "#if defined(MSWIN32) &&
!defined(__MINGW32__)" for some reason.)

That out of the way, the program kept failing with messages like:

"Found nonzero at 0xe4c800 - allocator is broken" and
"List reversal produced incorrect list - collector is broken"

I set NTEST to 0 (single threaded) and the program seemed 
to work, to my great relief!

I added "-mthreads" to the GC makefile build options, reset NTEST
to 2, rebuilt the whole thing and it fails again. :-(

So I must now somehow figure out these failures...

BTW, I notice that for BCC, "-DSMALL_CONFIG" is defined and (more
importantly) only single-threaded tests are done.

Anyway, I'll try again tomorrow.


Ranjit Mathew               Email: rmathew AT hotmail DOT com

Bangalore, INDIA.           Web: http://ranjitmathew.tripod.com/

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