GCJ/minGW produced executables and linux/wine

Ranjit Mathew rmathew4lists@hotmail.com
Wed Mar 5 09:33:00 GMT 2003

> Andrew> Well, from a very rough reading it looks to me like SEH should
> Andrew> be able to do what Win32 gcj needs.
> I thought there was no way to access SEH from gcc, and that this was
> one of the longstanding gcc/Windows interoperability problems.

SEH is an OS-provided facility and "__try/__except" is merely
(quite desirable) syntactic sugar coating of these by the MSVC 
(and compliant) compilers - see the "Compiler-level SEH" section in:


In fact, had the following patch by Aldy Hernandez for adding
"__try/__finally" support to GCC been accepted, it would have caused
a *major* confusion for people already used to Win32 SEH:


As I remark in a separate post, it *should* be possible to 
achieve what we need using SEH.


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