Want to help integrating swing. Is already someone working on it?

Cedric Berger cedric@wireless-networks.com
Tue Mar 4 12:55:00 GMT 2003

Dhek Bhun Kho wrote:

>Why would it be implementing yet another windowing toolkit? Shouldn't it
>be a question of 'sticking an Swing api' on top of SWT?  
I'm repeating myself, but I think this is not possible.
Swing is too flexible. Everything is done in Java, and an application 
can decide to
basically replace ANY part of Swing. Most of Swing functions can be 
to customize Swing behaviour. And non-trivial applications do that. 
That's gonna
be hard to replicate if you base Swing on top of SWT.

>Regarding the message you posted before: SWT doesn't provide any drawing
>operations except for drawing lines and bitmaps?
Swing is based on AWT/Java2D. It uses only basic drawing primitives.
Everything else is implemented in Java, if you want to follow the API you
basically have no other choice.

> I would like to know
>just what possibilities there are. I've never worked with OpenGL, but
>could it interoperate with SWT so SWT would handle the events and OpenGL
>would do the drawing?
I don't know about OpenGL, mut I guess it might be useful to implement 

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