grepjar and libregex

Ranjit Mathew
Fri Jan 17 05:32:00 GMT 2003


     The "grepjar" tool in "fastjar" needs the regex
functions, which seem to be there within glibc on Linux
but are not a part of the standard C library on Win32.

I've been using a separate libregex for this purpose
so far and just modifying the configure scripts to
do "LIBS="$LIBS -lregex" when MinGW was detected.

I'm not very familiar with autoconf scripts, but I feel
we should add configury checks that should add "-lregex"
to LIBS if the regex functions could not be located
in the C library and should die with an error if even
libregex could not be located.

Sincerely Yours,

Ranjit Mathew          Email: rmathew AT hotmail DOT com

Bangalore, INDIA.      Web:

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