input line is too long

Erik Poupaert
Wed Jan 1 23:39:00 GMT 2003

>>> I've never heard of this one.  Can you submit a more complete report?

These things come out of I'm obviously using some
older version of gcj (gcj-3.2-20021210-1.tar.gz from, but
it's the most recent gcj/minGW release candidate.

(1) This one, I forgot to mention. I can't even classify it. jikes doesn't
say anything about it, but gcj refuses to compile:

src/org/eclipse/swt/custom/  LineCache lineCache
= parent.internalGetLineCache();
selectionBackgroundWidth = Math.max(getClientAre
a().width, lineCache.getWidth());

I simply had to take out the lines.

(2) Here gcj complains about the return type.

src/org/eclipse/swt/custom/ void traverse(Event
event) {

I had to change it into: "boolean traverse(Event event) {" and return dummy
true values.

(3) This is the (short) to (char) cast stuff:

src/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/ static final short []
ACCENTS = new short [] {'~', '`','\'', '^', '"'};

I had to change it into: "static final short [] ACCENTS = new short []
{(short)'~', (short)'`', (short)'\'',(short) '^',(short) '"'};"

Same for: src/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/ accel.key =
(short) 'Q'; //X

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