Possible bytecode verifier issues

Ranjit Mathew rmathew4lists@hotmail.com
Fri Feb 28 05:41:00 GMT 2003

A MinGW GCJ user seems to be running into bytecode
verification problems with GCJ 3.2 and now GCJ 3.3:


With 3.2, he used to get lots of "bad pc in
exception_table" errors which disappeared with 3.3,
but now he gets "warning: exception handler inside
code that is being protected" warnings.

Is this is a known issue with GCJ or could it be
that his class bytecodes are really SNAFU-ed?


PS: The order of comments in the bug report is wrong
with respect to the time they were submitted,
for some strange reason.

Ranjit Mathew               Email: rmathew AT hotmail DOT com

Bangalore, INDIA.           Web: http://ranjitmathew.tripod.com/

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