GCJ and Win95

Erik Poupaert erik.poupaert@chello.be
Fri Feb 21 01:13:00 GMT 2003

>>>> Just to let you know, the latest patched snapshot by Mohan
>>>> Embar works fine on
>>>> Windows 95 *and* the generated executables run fine. No more
>>>> missing symbols
>>>> from system DLLs. :-)

The problem I had, seemed to be related to the fact that ant the jdk
bootclasspath supplied one way or the other by ant to gcj. In 3.2, it didn't
give problems, while in 3.3 the compilation fails because of it.

This fails now:

<target name="cls-compile" depends="init">
    <property name="build.compiler" value="gcj"/>
        <javac srcdir="src" destdir="cls" includes="

while the following works:

<target name="cls-compile" depends="init">
    <property name="build.compiler" value="gcj"/>
        <javac srcdir="src" destdir="cls" bootclasspath="${bootcls}"

Has anything changed with relation to bootclasspath from version 3.2 to
version 3.3?

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