Why does this program cause an NPE in LibgcjInternalFinalizerThread ??

David Daney ddaney@avtrex.com
Wed Aug 20 00:36:00 GMT 2003

>Sounds plausible.  gdb doesn't let me print the "ref" variable
>directly, however the only register I have that looks like a heap pointer
>is $eax:
>(gdb) x $eax
>0x8180c78:      0x407f1568
>(gdb) x 0x407f1568
>0x407f1568 <_ZTVN4java4lang6StringE+8>: 0x407f15a0
x /x *(int **)ref

You can have all sorts of fun adding varients of this to breakpoint 
commands and conditions.


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