Why use '/proc/self/exe' in prims.cc?

Andrew Haley aph@redhat.com
Thu Nov 7 04:39:00 GMT 2002

Ranjit Mathew writes:
 > Hi,
 >      The subject sums it up: the libgcj configure
 > script sets HAVE_PROC_SELF_EXE if /proc/self/exe is
 > present and prims.cc sets _Jv_ThisExecutable using
 > the value of /proc/<curr-pid>/exe. If this is not
 > defined, the fallback is to use argv[0].
 > The problem is that autoconf-generated configure dies
 > out during a cross-compiling (if with_cross_host is
 > defined) saying that "Cannot check existence of
 > file during cross-compiling".
 > What is wrong with using just argv[0]?

argv[0] isn't an absolute pathname.


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