Libjava failures status

Bryce McKinlay
Tue Mar 12 15:30:00 GMT 2002

Tom Tromey wrote:

>>>>>>"Bryce" == Bryce McKinlay <> writes:
>Bryce> It would be nice if we could avoid pessimising this too
>Bryce> much. eg given:
>Bryce> a = foo.a;
>Bryce> b = foo.b;
>Bryce> Then obviously the second load from foo can not trap.
>Unless foo is a field and is changed by another thread.
>Maybe this case is undefined if we haven't synchronized?

Right. I'm assuming it would load "foo" into a register or stack 
temporary first. As long as that happens it should be perfectly safe 
(proposed "volatile" semantics aside).



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