GCJ slower than JDK?

shudo@computer.org shudo@computer.org
Wed Jan 30 21:34:00 GMT 2002

Hi Fernando,

> I found RPMs for gcj-3.1 on rpmfind.net. They do notlist any
> dependencies besides libgcj. It looks like gcc-java and libgcj are
> stand-alone packages while I think they are closely linked to gcc. Is it
> possible to use a release of gcc-java/libgcj (say, 3.1) and another of
> gcc (say, 2.96)?

It may be the RPMs of Red Hat Rawhide, which is a test
ground for future distributions.
I'm using them daily.


The `compat-gcc...' package provides the `gcc296'. It is
GCC 2.96 then 2.96 and a CVS version (3.1) can be
installed simultaneously.

  Kazuyuki Shudo	shudo@computer.org	http://www.shudo.net/

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