Rmi compilation to native code

Bryce McKinlay bryce@waitaki.otago.ac.nz
Thu Feb 21 17:49:00 GMT 2002

u_a1bargnesi@umassd.edu wrote:

> Hello.  I am inquiring about the rmi implementation under gcj.  Will 
> gcj compile my rmi programs?  I know that gcj supports serialization, 
> so I would assume rmi works as well.  

Yes, RMI is supported in the CVS version of libgcj.

> If rmi would compile to native code will the performance boost 
> significatnly?

Maybe. The serialization implementation in libgcj does have performance 
problems, so its possible that these would cause RMI to be not much 
faster or even slower than the JDK implementation. AFAIK, nobody has 
done any benchmarking of serialization or RMI so its hard to say how 
well we do in that area. I would be very interested to hear your 
experiences if you want to give it a try.



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