darwin and java status

Bryce McKinlay bryce@waitaki.otago.ac.nz
Thu Feb 7 02:48:00 GMT 2002

Andreas Tobler wrote:

>>One odd thing I see, I have to point the CLASSPATH to the libjava build
>>directory (the installation directory doesn't work), also the .class
>>file has to be there otherwise I get a Bus Error (from gij, the binary
>>can sit where it wants). This I don't understand. I can provide a
>>backtrace from gdb.
>After setting up the classpath as this (installation dir of gcc)
>setenv ${CLASSPATH}:/Volumes/reserved1/gcctmp/share
>setenv ${CLASSPATH}:/Volumes/reserved1/gcctmp/lib
>setenv ${CLASSPATH}:/Volumes/reserved1/gcctmp/bin
>I no more get Bus Errors and I can run the gij where I want with a
>.class file sitting somewhere.
>Did I miss a FAQ?

No. You should not need to set CLASSPATH to use gij (unless you have 
your own classes of course). What happens when you try to debug this in gdb?



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