initialization of final fields

Godmar Back
Wed Nov 3 14:57:00 GMT 1999


[ I'm cc'ing Vincent Gay-Para, the author of the GNU javac replacement KJC ]

I believe gcj may a bit too anal with regard to assignments to final 
fields.  As a result, it fails to compile class files produced by KJC
that pass verification under Sun's JDK.

Consider this program:

    public class FinalInt {
	final long t = System.currentTimeMillis();

	public static void main(String []av) {
	    System.out.println(new FinalInt().t);

KJC compiles this program into the following bytecode as shown 
by jcf-dump -c:

    Method name:"<init>" public Signature: 17=()void
    Attribute "Code", length:33, max_stack:1, max_locals:1, code_length:9
      0: aload_0
      1: invokespecial #29=<Method java.lang.Object.<init> ()void>
      4: aload_0
      5: invokespecial #32=<Method FinalInt.Block$ ()void>
      8: return

    Method name:"Block$" private Signature: 17=()void
    Attribute "Code", length:32, max_stack:3, max_locals:1, code_length:8
      0: aload_0
      1: invokestatic #36=<Method java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis ()long>
      4: putfield #21=<Field FinalInt.t long>
      7: return

KJC moves the initialization of final variables into a hidden private 
method called "Block$".  This appears a sensible thing to do: by doing 
it, the compiler doesn't have to repeat the same initializations if 
the class has multiple constructors.

The resulting class file FinalInt.class executes just fine with
JDK 1.1.7 and JDK 1.2 under Linux, even when run with the -verify 
option.  (That should verify it, shouldn't it?)
>From grepping the VM Spec I also couldn't find a requirement that
the initialization of a final variable has to happen in the 
constructor itself, and not in a private method invoked from a

My suggestion: until GCJ can prove that an assignment to a final 
variable is indeed illegal, could you make the error in   
expr.c:expand_java_field_op suppressable?


	- Godmar

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