
Per Bothner bothner@cygnus.com
Wed Sep 16 23:34:00 GMT 1998

>     OK but that sort of sidesteps the issue. What if for some reason one 
>     wanted to produce a statically linked executable with minimal 
>     footprint, i.e., just the required classes? Will that be an option?

Well, that sort of follows from using libjava.a - standard linker
technology leaves out unreferenced .o files, when doing a static
link.  Normally, we would compile each java class to a single .o file.
(Actually, it may make sense to have a somewhat smarter linker,
but that's more detail than I feel like getting into.)

	--Per Bothner
Cygnus Solutions     bothner@cygnus.com     http://www.cygnus.com/~bothner

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