Patch for Preview: Win32 Process Implementation

Ranjit Mathew
Tue Feb 25 05:14:00 GMT 2003

> >As mentioned earlier, since we want to make Tom's life easier
> >while dealing with our patches, we should submit them in a format
> >that makes it easy for him to directly apply it from within his
> >mailer:
> I had looked at your previous post, examined your most-recent
> patch and also the source of clcleanup before posting this.
> As far as I can tell, the patch I submitted contains tabs,
> not spaces. If Tom has any trouble applying this, or if you
> can point out why Tom would have trouble applying this, I
> promise I'll redo the patch.

Sorry, I was not talking about tabs v/s spaces and I was not
asking you to resubmit your patch - I was just saying that the
following embedded ChangeLog entry looked a bit less of work
for Tom:
------------------------------- 8< -------------------------------
Index: ChangeLog
from  Mohan Embar  <>

 * java/lang/ (java::lang::ConcreteProcess::startProcess):
 double-quote each program array element passed to CreateProcess

------------------------------- 8< -------------------------------

than the one in your patch.

*However*, I realised that if your mail is passed through clcleanup first
and then through cl2patch, one gets the correct patch. So it *should not*
be a problem for Tom...

Sorry for the noise...


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