About java.security and AWT patches

Tom Tromey tromey@redhat.com
Tue Apr 24 09:56:00 GMT 2001

>> I'm not too concerned about being able to compile more code.  But
>> that's because I'm guessing that code that references, say,
>> java.awt.FileDialog will then actually want to use it.

Bryce> Not always: often I come across libraries etc in .jar files
Bryce> which have classes that refer to AWT classes, even though their
Bryce> actual use is optional (for example, its common for command
Bryce> line programs written in java to have an -optional- GUI mode).

Thanks, that makes sense to me.

To me it still seems like a risk with little appreciable gain.  It
seems certain to me that we won't finish enough of AWT before gcc 3.0
to make compiling AWT applications much less hit-or-miss than it is
now.  I'd prefer that we start being more strict about what we put on
the branch.  Mark has already said that the last major development
needed is Richard's EH merge; I think I'd rather we start looking at
compiler regressions and critical bugs in the core packages, and leave
everything else for 3.1.

What do you think about that?  I'm actually open to almost anything we
decide collectively.  Is there anybody but Bryce and me who has an


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