More C type errors by default for GCC 14

Gabriel Ravier
Fri May 12 12:30:24 GMT 2023

On 5/12/23 04:36, Po Lu via Gcc wrote:
> Arsen Arsenović <> writes:
>> Indeed they should be - but warning vs. error holds significance.  A
>> beginner is much less likely to be writing clever code that allegedly
>> uses these features properly than to be building new code, and simply
>> having made an error that they do not want and will suffer through
>> confused.
> Most programs already paste a chunk of Autoconf into their configure.ins
> which turns on more diagnostics if it looks like the program is being
> built by a developer.  i.e. from Emacs:
> AC_ARG_ENABLE([gcc-warnings],
>    [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gcc-warnings@<:@=TYPE@:>@],
>                    [control generation of GCC warnings.  The TYPE 'yes'
> 		   means to fail if any warnings are issued; 'warn-only'
> 		   means issue warnings without failing (default for
> 		   developer builds); 'no' means disable warnings
> 		   (default for non-developer builds).])],
>    [case $enableval in
>       yes|no|warn-only) ;;
>       *)      AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value $enableval for gcc-warnings option]) ;;
>     esac
>     gl_gcc_warnings=$enableval],
>    [# By default, use 'warn-only' if it looks like the invoker of 'configure'
>     # is a developer as opposed to a builder.  This is most likely true
>     # if GCC is recent enough and there is a .git directory or file;
>     # however, if there is also a .tarball-version file it is probably
>     # just a release imported into Git for patch management.
>     gl_gcc_warnings=no
>     if test -d "$srcdir"/.git && test ! -f "$srcdir"/.tarball-version; then
>        # Clang typically identifies itself as GCC 4.2 or something similar
>        # even if it is recent enough to accept the warnings we enable.
>        AS_IF([test "$emacs_cv_clang" = yes],
>           [gl_gcc_warnings=warn-only],
>           [gl_GCC_VERSION_IFELSE([5], [3], [gl_gcc_warnings=warn-only])])
>     fi])
> So this is really not a problem.
>> Indeed.  I said facilitates, not treats equally.  I think the veterans
>> here won't lose much by having to pass -fpermissive, and I think that's
>> a worthwhile sacrifice to make, to nurture the new without pressuring
>> the old very much.
> Until `-fpermissive' goes the way of `-traditional',
> `-fwritable-strings'.
>> On that note - lets presume a beginners role.  I've just started using
>> GCC.  I run 'gcc -O2 -Wall main.c fun.c' and I get an a.out.  It
>> mentions some 'implicit function generation', dunno what that means - if
>> it mattered much, it'd have been an error.  I wrote a function called
>> test that prints the int it got in hex, but I called it with 12.3, but
>> it printed 1.. what the heck?
> Have you actually seen anyone make this mistake?
As somebody that spends a lot of time helping beginners, yes, 
constantly. I'd go as far as to say it's an error that seemingly 
everyone has made at least once.
>> Why that happened is obvious to you and I (if you're on the same CPU as
>> me), but to a beginner is utter nonsense.
>> At this point, I can only assume one goes to revisit that warning..  I'd
>> hope so at least.
>> I doubt the beginner would know to pass
>> -Werror=implicit-function-declaration in this case (or even about
>> Werror...  I just told them what -Wall and to read the warnings, which
>> was gleefully ignored)
> I'd expect a question from the newbie, directed at a web search engine.
>> Hell, I've seen professors do it, and for a simple reason: they knew how
>> to write code, not how to use a compiler.  That's a big gap.
>> The beginner here can't adapt - they don't know what -Wall means, they
>> just pass it because they were told to do it (if they're lucky!).
> If this is really such a bad problem, then how about clarifying the
> error message?
>> At the same time, they lose out on what is, IMO, one of the most useful
>> pieces of the toolchain: _FORTIFY_SOURCE (assuming your vendor enables
>> it by default.. we do).  It provides effective bug detection, when the
>> code compiles right.  It regularly spots bugs that haven't happened yet
>> for me.
>> (and same goes for all the other useful analysis the toolchain can do
>> when it has sufficient information to generate correct code, or more;
>> some of which can't reasonably be a default)
>> (on a related note, IMO it's a shame that the toolchain hides so many
>> possibilities behind 'cult knowledge', depths of many manuals and bad
>> defaults)
> _FORTIFY_SOURCE is not really important enough to be considered here.
> It's not even available everywhere.
>> This sample is subject to selection bias.  My testing targets mostly
>> more modern codebases that have long fixed these errors (if they have
>> active maintainers), and exclusively Free Software, so I expect that the
>> likelyhood that you'll need to run `export CC='gcc -fpermissive'
>> CXX='g++ -fpermissive'` goes up the more you move towards old or more
>> corporate codebases, but, for a veteran, this is no cost at all.
>> Is it that much of a stretch to imagine that a maintainer of a codebase
>> that has not seen revisions to get it past K&R-esque practices would
>> know that they need to pass -std=c89 (or a variant of such), or even
>> -fpermissive - assuming that they could even spare to use GCC 14 as
>> opposed to 2.95?
> There's bash, which still tries to work on later 4.3BSDs (AFAIK), while
> also building with just `gcc'.
>> As an anecdote, just recently I had to fix some code written for i686
>> CPUs, presumably for GCC 4.something or less, because the GCC I insist
>> on using (which is 13 and has been since 13.0 went into feature-freeze)
>> has started using more than the GPRs on that machine (which lead to hard
>> to debug crashes because said codebase does not enable the requisite CPU
>> extensions, or handle the requisite registers properly).  I think this
>> fits within the definition of 'worked yesterday, broke today'.  Should
>> that change be reverted?  Replacing it with -mmore-than-gprs would make
>> GCC more compatible with this old code.
>> I don't think so.
>> This is a sensitive codebase, and not just because it's written poorly,
>> but because it's a touchy thing it's implementing, any change in
>> compiler requires reverification.  The manifestation here has *no*
>> significance.
> And the problematic part of the code in question is implementing
> something like swapcontext in assembler, correct?  That's a far cry from
> breaking C code, which does have clearly defined (albeit not exactly
> intuitive) semantics.
>> ... speaking of that, if one builds their codebase without -std=..,
>> they're risking more than just optimization changes breaking code that
>> relies on bad assumptions, they're also risking a change in language
>> semantics..
> The Standards committee does have a reasonable track record of keeping
> backwards compatibility, since they prioritize existing practice and the
> existing body of C code.  So I'm not too worried about that.
>> With all that to consider, is it *really* a significant cost to add
>> -fpermissive?
> Yes, in case it goes away.
>> Would that cost not be massively overshadowed by the cost
>> of a compiler change?  It feels like it's a footnote compared to
>> checking whether added optimizations go against invalid assumptions
>> (which is, by the way, also rectified by adding more hard and easy
>> to see errors).
>> I expect no change in behavior from those that maintain these old
>> codebases, they know what they're doing, and they have bigger fish to
>> fry - however, I expect that this change will result in:
>> - A better reputation for GCC and the GCC project (by showing that we do
>>    care for code correctness),
> A compiler should care about the correctness of its own code, not that
> of others.
>> - More new code being less error prone (by merit of simple errors being
>>    detected more often),
> As I said, making such things errors will simply result in people
> inserting `extern' declarations everywhere, which may or may not be
> wrong.  I've seen this happen before with my own eyes.
>> - Less 'cult knowledge' in the garden path,
> I guess search engines, and better written diagnostic messages, would be
> enough to accomplish that?
>> - More responsible beginners, and
>> - Fewer people being able to effectively paint GNU and/or C/++ as the
>>    backwards crowd using a error-prone technique of yesteryear.
> This never worked in GNU C++, right?
>> (and yes, optics matter)
>> Builds break.  Builds breaking cleanly is a treat compared to the usual
>> breakage.  At least this breaks the few that do break with a positive
>> outcome.
> Builds shouldn't break, and the ``usual treat'' should also not
> happen...

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