Network Services Alert#489707

Dave Blanchard
Wed Jul 12 14:34:31 GMT 2023

You know, if you useless cocksuckers would spend half as much energy and cleverness figuring out some kind of morally upright way to generate income instead of scamming retards on the internet, you'd be billionaires by now.

This is what "civilization" has devolved to; a world of grifters scamming other grifters. The only difference between this guy and the rest is that his scam is obvious to intelligent people; the most dangerous frauds are the most legitimate appearing, and are heavily promoted and legally enforced by "authorities." Rob a bank and you go to jail; own the bank and you can rob it all day long. We need to bring back the guillotine.


>On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 19:44:01 +0530
Michael Smith via Gcc <> wrote:

> Dear user,
> Thank you again for subscribing to us!
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> As you opted for auto-debit, the recurring fee will be debited again next year on July 10, 2024, unless you choose to cancel the subscription or stop auto-debit payments.
> If you wish to opt out or drop all charges and want the full amount refunded back to the original payment source, please contact us at +1 {888}-713-5735
> Regards,,
> Michael Smith
> Customer Support Dept.
> Toll-free Number: +1 {888}-713-5735

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