GNU #include RFC

Alexandre Oliva
Tue Mar 30 11:19:57 GMT 2021

I hereby announce my intent to offer online tutoring with the goal of
helping reduce democraphic imbalances in the GCC development community.

My planned focus is the implementation, in GCC, of the ISA extensions to
OpenPOWER in the upcoming Libre-SOC processor in GCC, but I may also
cover some neurodiversity, to try and make some of my quirks less
difficult to tolerate, and Free Software philosophy/ethics/copyleft,
because I can't help :-)

Some of the philosophy tutoring may actually be delivered by the Chief
GNUisance himself, in occasional online group meetings.  (He was very
receptive and supportive to the whole plan, as I hoped and expected :-)

I invite other GCC contributors to join me in offering tutoring to
reduce demographic imbalances in our development community.  Other
tutors are free to focus their efforts in other back-ends/targets,
front-ends, middle-end passes, IRs, general bug-fixing, or even accept
tutoring applicant-submitted proposals.

I invite contributors to other GNU subprojects to make similar offers in
their respective subprojects, too.

Now, one clarification: applicants need not fit in any specific
demographic; the goal is not to exclude any applicants but, if demand is
higher than I (we?) can offer, all else being equal, preference would be
given to candidates that make stronger cases of demographic balancing.
(how to tell?)

My plan is to invite candidates to file applications about their
interest in participating in the development of the subproject, their
personal background, and their diverse strengths and demographic balance
improvements they wish to bring to the subproject.

Would anyone else like to help me turn this into more concrete plans, a
formal call for candidates, web page, etc?

Would anyone else be willing to participate as mentor?

Alexandre Oliva, happy hacker
   Free Software Activist         GNU Toolchain Engineer
        Vim, Vi, Voltei pro Emacs -- GNUlius Caesar

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