LTO and the inlining of functions only called once.

Paul Brook
Tue Oct 13 12:05:00 GMT 2009

> Nothing you've said changes  the fact that there are a class of users
> for whom that information is vital and we ought to spend some time
> thinking about how to provide the information in a form they can
> digest.  GCC dumps as they exist today are largely useless for a non-GCC
> developer to use to understand why a particular transformation did or
> did not occur in their code.  This has come up time and time again and
> will continue to do so unless we find a way to provide visibility into
> the optimizer's decision making.

My guess is anyone inspecting the code and optimizer decisions at this level 
is also going to want to strongarm the result they want when the compiler 
makes the "wrong" decision. i.e. detailed unroller diagnostics are only of 
limited use without (say) #pragma unroll.


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