Is ObjC++ still in time for 4.0?

Alex Perez
Wed Nov 17 23:50:00 GMT 2004

Phil Edwards wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 02:40:33PM -0800, Gregory John Casamento wrote:
>>Guys..   This type of outburst is atypical coming from me, but I must say
>>Argh!!  C'mon... c'mon... c'mon...  ObjC++ has been perpetually forthcoming for
>>the past two years!   What does it take to get Objective-C++ in?    It has been
>>so frustrating waiting for this.  There is *so much software* which would be
>>trivial to reuse once this is done.
>>Please, just get past all of the politics and get it in!
> Lots of screaming and yelling about "just do it," but nobody in the ObjC++
> community so far has answered the objections brought up the last time.
> Politics aren't what's keeping it out.  Front-ends aren't popularity
> contests; the GCC maintainers aren't going to suddenly start checking in
> troublesome code just because X number of potential users really, really
> want it.  If you want it in 4.0, then start answering questions and propose
> cleaner designs than the ones so far.
maybe you could actually be specific about what the concerns are instead 
  of spreading more FUD about the front-end changes. As best *I* 
understood it, the person preventing the changes from going in was Geoff 
Keating, because he "wanted time to think about it" (nearly two months 
ago, mind you)...if this is a false impression on my part, please, 
SPECIFICALLY, address the issues which are preventing it from getting 
into GCC, so someone can actually do something about it.

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