Overriding cc1

Dave Korn dk@artimi.com
Mon May 17 11:10:00 GMT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexandre Oliva 
> Sent: 16 May 2004 06:07

> >   Hold on.  Rather than creating lots of different versions called
> > cc1.versionN, why not create lots of subdirs in 
> ..lib/gcc-lib/$target called
> > after .versionN, put the compilers in them (all still named 
> cc1), and then
> > use the -V option to make the driver choose between them?
> Because nowadays -V version option re-execs gcc-version these days?

  Oh, so it does!  That squashes that otherwise-bright-idea then :( 

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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