Multiplatform binary generation

Fri May 14 13:20:00 GMT 2004


I am working on research project to implement executable binary for all 
major linux desktop platforms. The file is named .dlx and should contain 
merged executables for Linux on:
IA-32  - 686
IA-32  - P4
IA-32  - Athlon XP
x86-64 - AMD64/Opteron
x86-64 - Intel IA-32e

Point is that after installing desktop software, installer will go 
trough .dlx files and create a native executables out of it by 
stripping-out everything else. Also distros can deploy all software 
except kernel and binutils as .dlx files, which will bring performance 
improvement to end user. It will work like Java/.NET except that 
programs will run faster :-).

The main project is to create compiler for .dlx "platform" that will 
"look" like gcc to developer. It will compile sources for all platforms 
mentioned, and then merge binaries to .dlx file. Note that each .dlx can 
contain binary executable, .lib or .so file. I will call this tool 
dlxgcc. Of course, only final (release) version of any software is ment 
to be compiled with this. Developement and remains stays the same (gcc 
-based). After ABI become stable (I have a dream) this should even work 
accross various distros (why not?).

In the second phase I will modify rpm (becouse I am using Mandrake at 
the moment) to handle .dlx files properly during installation (e.g. 
strip them all).

I would like to hear any your sugestions or comments before I spent 
months developing it.


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