sourceware downtime

Frank Ch. Eigler
Fri May 7 17:11:00 GMT 2004

Hi -

Sorry for the short notice, but circumstances apparently conspired
to make necessary what will hopefully be a quick outage of the machine.

----- Forwarded message from Matthew Galgoci <> -----
> Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 11:48:41 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Matthew Galgoci <>
> To:
> Subject: down time
> I need to schedule some downtime for sourceware.
> Sourceware will need to be re-ip'd, and upgraded to 4GB of ram.
> The reason for the re-ip is that the machine is coming back to my 
> machine room and will live on a dedicated hosting network. The ram 
> upgrade is courtesy of Red Hat.
> I would like to do this preferably today if nobody objects too much, or
> sometime this weekend. I was thinking that if I do it in the middle of the
> afternoon folks could do a long lunch.
> I don't anticipate the downtime will be more than 2 hrs.
> Aye? Nay?
> -- 
> Matthew Galgoci
> System Administrator and Sr. Manager of Ruminants
> Red Hat, Inc
> 919.754.3700 x44155
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