R: very basic porting

Gabriele Caracausi gabriele@caracausi.it
Mon Oct 27 15:46:00 GMT 2003

Jim Wilson writes: 

> Gabriele Caracausi wrote:
>> The version in 3.3. The line is 
>>   if (class == MODE_FLOAT)
>>     prepare_float_lib_cmp (px, py, pcomparison, pmode, punsignedp); 
>>   else
>>     abort ();
> This isn't enough information.  We need to know why none of the previous 
> conditions matched.  For instance, what is the value of mode?  What are 
> the values of the cmp_optab->handlers[] array?

You are right but fortunately yesterday afternoon i've resolved the 
problem!!! :) infact in my .md file I haven't declared all conditional 
branch insns. 

Thank you all.

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