A bug present in 3.2

Jim Wilson wilson@specifixinc.com
Mon Oct 27 06:39:00 GMT 2003

Stelios Xanthakis wrote:
> In gcc32, if you put a static local variable of 
> a static inline function into a ".gnu.linkonce.d"
> section, it crashes.

How are you putting the local variables in a .gnu.linkonce.d section? 
We need a testcase, and command line options.

Also, what exactly is crashing?  The compiler?  Or the linker?

For infromation about how to report bugs, see

> The sections appear to be correct in object files,
> so this is probably a linker problem.

If the linker is crashing, then this is a binutils problem, not a gcc 
problem.  Send mail to binutils@sources.redhat.com.

> This is fixed in 3.3/3.4?

I don't know what bug you are reporting, so I can't tell if it is 
already fixed.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support, http://www.SpecifixInc.com

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